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How noisy is Allentown, anyway? Local teacher, Cornell researchers will be finding out

Allentown is teaming up with a city teacher and an Ivy League school to study noise pollution and its effect on residents’ quality of life.Allentown School District teacher John Annoni will lead the three-year study in conjunction with the Cornell University Lab of Ornithology. In the process of studying noise pollution, the researchers hope to encourage youth engagement in scientific research and change the way traditionally marginalized communities experience science.The city invites community members to learn more about the study 6 p.m. Monday at its Vision 2030 Community Engagement Hub, 33 N. Sixth St.The project, funded through the National Science Foundation, is part of the city’s Vision 2030 comprehensive and economic development plan. Allentown is part of a cohort of cities across the United States and Mexico that are conducting similar studies in their communities.During the first year of the study, Annoni and four collaborators from city neighborhoods will conduct community surveys. They’ll use a research technique called “PhotoVoice” in which participants answer research questions using photography from their community. Cornell researchers will use the photos develop an app that records and measures neighborhood sound levels.The study will also consider noise’s impact on birds.“The project will have an impact far beyond our own students,” Annoni said in a statement. “We want to change the health and knowledge of the entire community here and beyond. It’s an honor to be trusted to help oversee this initiative as a teacher, leader, and community member.”Leonard Lightner, director of the city’s Community and Economic Development Department, said the project will emphasize “collaboration, community empowerment and strategic partnerships.”“Through their research, we expect to identify projects to reduce noise pollution and improve our city’s quality of life — all while bringing science and technology resources to our youth and neighborhoods,” he said in a statement.According to city officials, the Vision 30 comprehensive plan will address housing, workforce development, transportation, land use, historic preservation and a range of other concerns that affect quality of life in Allentown. For more information, visit
Source: Morningcall

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